Sunday, November 20, 2011

Life-- what's been going on

This week went fairly well.  We were better at cleaning up after ourselves which always makes the days run smoother.  The kids all finished their assignments for the week.  We only had an official group time once.  I read scriptures with them and had them recite and practice our Christmas song in the car while we were waiting for #4's eye appt. to start, so I feel a little bad about that but we had some fun things going on this week.  I'm proud of all the kids for working hard and finishing their assignments.  We even got piano in again- except for #1-  I'll have to do it first thing in the morning. 

Also, one morning I was doing aerobics right before lunch-  I've decided that in order to keep my sanity I have to exercise at least 20 min. a day-- if I can't spare 20 min. for myself to do that- then I'm doing something wrong.  So anyway, I felt like doing an easy aerobic workout of which there are a few on netflix- so I was doing my 10 min at a time workouts and all the kids were just sitting around watching the T.V. so I made them do it with me and told them it's part of school.  It was a fun active workout- we turned the volume up high and I think everybody had a good time even though they complained at first.  I'm going to try to incorporate that into school- just 10 min. worth-- we should be able to make time for that right?  at least a couple times a week.

We had a fun party at the Classic Fun Center for #2's birthday Tuesday night.  All the girls, but 2 she invited were from our new homeschool group and ward.  I am so thankful for all the new people we've met.  I love our homeschool group.  Everybody is very nice and I just  like being around them all.  They've all done a great job with their various assignments and my kids all feel comfortable and welcomed.  I'm so thankful for my girls to finally have some good friends.  They both love it.  The driving is getting to be extremely difficult- it is just so far and so hard to keep everybody happy that long- and we are still uncertain about even getting our lot still after 3 months!!!  Anyway- it's hard to keep positive and to keep faith and hope that our house will actually work out and that we will be able to move because things just don't happen for us.  Anyway, that is topic for my other blog.  But we are benefiting by going and being around these new friends we've made, and #2 had a great party.

We got to see some old friends this week.  One of our favorite homeschooling families who left us came over for a little bit on Saturday, and that was a joy.  I got to visit with some old high school friends on Wednesday, and my old neighbor brought her sons over to play on Saturday too.  I love having people over- not only for the nice times, but also for all the picking up and cleaning help I get.  I almost got to mop the kitchen floor-- maybe this week!

So overall, it was a good week.  We have to keep on going.  We are a little behind in pre-algebra and latin for the girls.  We will take Thurs. and Friday off for Thanksgiving, but we should be able to get a lot done the other 3 days.  I love not having commitments-- this week should be commitment free-  I'm looking forward to just having time to work with the kids and get stuff done!!

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