My 4th and 6th grader started elementary school on Thurs. The 8th grader has to wait til the change of semesters and will start the 14th, but she has been practicing the violin, she auditions on Tues. for the orchestra. The 4th and 6th graders are having a good time so far. Their teachers both seem really nice, the school seems very nice too. They each already knew about 3 kids in each of their classes and seem to be getting along nicely. #3 came home with a Nintendo DS that someone gave him-- he has to give it back we told him. He seems able to do the work just fine, he loved doing his homework of saying if the shapes are similar or congruent. #2's class did a lock down drill and practiced hiding in the cloak closet. She was also a little frustrated with the loud boys in her class who got the whole class in trouble during recess so everybody had to put their heads down on their desk. I guess the kids on the bus were really loud too and there was mud on the seats from kids standing up. But they still like it, and I think it will be very good for them both.
I had a nice time with my 2nd grader and my kindergartner. We missed co-op because the twins are still coughing a bit, but we did go to vision therapy and to the store where they got an extra treat-- I left the little ones home with their sister. It will be nice to have some more time with these middle kids. They always think they need to do whatever their older siblings are doing, so it will be nice to just do things for them. We have a field trip scheduled to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point this month. I think this is going to be a semester full of growth for everyone.
I'm excited and relieved. Change is good!
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