Spring Break was Awesome! I really hate school, we have to get up early in the morning again tomorrow and I haven't mixed the bread douggh yet to let it rise for lunches tomorrow and I'm tired! Anyway, that is beside the point-- We went to Montana near Glacier National Park because we had a timeshare opening there and we had never been there so we figured-- let's go check it out! It turned out to be very fun for all of us-- the kids were great in the car and our accomodations weredecent with a kitchen and laundry although outdated, it was kept up nice. It was funny how my oldest kept commenting on how she liked that oven and that dishwasher and those lights and cabinets and how it was just like the old movie Freaky Friday. Very funny-- it wasn't that old and not that different from our last house that was built in the late 70s, but whatever! Kids are funny sometimes-- anyway-- we were right on the lake there, but the lake was extremely low, so much so that the docks were all completely exposed, when we called about boat rentals, they said it is like this every year and they don't rent boats until May or June. Glacier was mostly closed and so wa the pool-- so not waht we expected nor what was described in the listing. But it was beautiful, the weather was great, so we saw and did all that was open and all the was to see. My husband and the five older kids camped in the woods one night, we threw lots of rocks into the lake, the kids waded around in the muddy freezing water and we took some really great pictures, and we decided to go home a little early and stay at Fairmon Hot Springs and enjoy the pool there for a night. That was pretty fun, then we finished our drive home and completed our spring break vacation by riding Frontrunner adn Trax into Salt Lake and eating at California Pizza Kitchen to cover 4 kids' birthdays. It was a lot of fun and the twins had been waiting for their train ride. And it was awesome to have some time to relax and recover and get things put away-- although there's still some to do. Ugh-- getting kids off to school in the morning-- I'd better go to bed!