Saturday, October 30, 2010

Review of the Week

Group Time--- We did this for about 2 hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, then Friday for an hour as we did not do any languages --

Yoga and stretching is definitely a good way to get everybody together and start group time. It feels great to stretch too. We are getting more flexible. I need to make sure the kids have plenty of opportunity to run also. We may need to start running laps around the block, or at least walk the dog daily.

Music time-- Very much for the little kids. We need to start learning a Spanish Christmas song and a French one and both of them in sign language. I need to download more songs onto my mp3 player to keep us on course.

Spanish-- We review the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, and how to ask things like what is your name, how are you, how old are you, and what color is ...? We learned some more question words, singular and plural, and listened to people asking where they are from and what languages they speak. We will continue with this and incorporate a Spanish movie to watch weekly.

French-- We only got in 2 good days of French. We follow our workbook which is great, but the kids were a bit bored with it, so we've started to also incorporate an audio program I've been listening to, that was more fun.

Greek- we didn't do any review of Greek this week which is a shame-- so hard to fit everything in!!

Scriptures- We read a chapter of the Golden Book of Bible Stories or Old Testament stories, memorize a scripture a week which was the 6th Article of Faith, and now we read a couple of verses straight out of the New Testament and talk about what it means and what the individual words mean.

I read at least a chapter of American History Stories, Great Inventorss and their Inventions, and Little Women, we also read Beauty and the Beast this week

Little Kids Story time- the older kids have to work on their stuff during this time unless they can finish without it, we only got 2 good days of this in this week so I'll have to be sure to read extra to the little ones today and tomorrow

We read Aesop's fables, some fun science books, Mother Goose, and lots of picture books

child #1-- sick on Tuesday so has to make up end of year 2 Greek test and Systems thematic review test today. She finished her list of requirements for the week-- I think Next week she needs to finish her math review and pass the 5B test. She's doing well but we need to stay on track, she has a lot of workbooks to finish up this year before 7th grade.

child #2-- Needs to focus better especially in math. She also needs to finish up corrections in Greek and be ready to take the final test next week.

child #3-- Learning times tables. Did pretty well finishing tasks and is finally starting to read for fun.

child #4 -- very bright following along with #3 quite well

Plans and changes for next week-- Change appt.and errands for Thursdays and Fridays so we'll have 3 full days with no outside appointments -Thursday will be off and Friday will half day- that will help immensely-- get my mp3 player set up for music time, set time aside daily for folding clothes

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