Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our "Break"

I'm not sure how we fit homeschool in at all with our busy schedule of living with 5 kids and baby twins. I guess it is because the kids are really responsible for completing their tasks and I nurse the babies or feed them while I answer questions. I guess I feel more accomplished when we do school, because doing fun extra projects with baby twins in tow is just about an impossible task. I did get to play with them more than usual today and they finally got baths which they loved, but I didn't get the Christmas cards out or their stockings sewn. We did finish up our Christmas shopping and I got some parts for my antique sewing machines, but there is just so much I want to do and so many more ideas I have of things that would be fun to do with the kids. Anyway we rearranged the furniture in our house yesterday and now we have a nice computer table area where we can hook up 3 computers so the kids will be able to be on them at the same time instead of watching each other while they wait for their own turn.

The kids looked at google earth for a long time today. I think it's pretty educational. I also had them do their chores and they got to watch a little T.V. I think they are enjoying their break. I hope I'll be able to read with them extra tomorrow. We got to play some of our instruments this evening. I played the guitar, #2 played the piano and #1 played the violin. We are all beginners on these instruments, but we had fun nevertheless. We still have to have structure. I am just as busy not homeschooing as I am when I'm homeschooling, so I guess I'm not really getting a break. I guess mothers of small children and especially twins, really don't get a break. I just have to focus on the basics. My goal for the break is to get our homeschool plans for the upcoming semester in order and printed for the various students, and to get in the habit of starting dinner by 4 so that we can eat no later than six-- I'm sorry to admit that it takes that long sometimes with the myriad of interruptions and the dinner helpers I have.

Just 3 more days til Christmas!!

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